发布人:李豫沛  发布时间:2018-04-24   浏览次数:446


2018 Society for Biomaterials Annual Meeting



会议期间,还颁发了创始人奖(Founder Aword),技术、创新和发展奖(Tcehnology, Innovation and Development Award),生物材料学会服务奖(Society for Biomaterials Award for Service),青年科学家奖(Young Investigator Award)和世界生物材料知名杂志Acta biomaterialia金银奖等多个奖项。

课题组正在美国北卡罗莱纳州立大学联合培养的博士研究生赵帆积极参加了本次大会,并进行了题为“Composite Bioresorbable Stents with Reinforced Compression Properties”的海报展示,并与参会学者进行了交流。

1 博士研究生赵帆与其联合培养博士生导师Martin W. King教授

2 博士研究生赵帆与加拿大拉瓦尔大学张泽教授

3 美国北卡罗来纳州立大学BMT研究团队和加拿大拉瓦尔大学张泽教授

Ph.D candidate Fan Zhao attended 2018 Society for Biomaterials Annual Meeting and Exploration

2018 Society for Biomaterials annual meeting was held on April 11th, 2018 in Atlanta, America. The theme of the meeting was about the “nexus” to further opportunities for collaboration across diverse scientific disciplines, from biology and material science, to chemistry, physics, medicine and engineering. Moreover, it appealed many biomaterial experts, scientists, and young researchers to give reports and presentations during the meeting. Specifically, more than 450 oral reports and almost 1000 posters were presented in the meeting.

Ph.D candidate Fan Zhao, who has been a research trainee in North Carolina State University, attended this great meeting. Besides, he also gave a poster about “Composite Bioresorbable Stents with Reinforced Compression Properties”. During the communication, Fan Zhao not only exhibited his research results but also introduce the textile technology using in the biomedical field, which improved the mutual understanding between textile and medicine.

Fig. 1 Fan Zhao and Dr. Martin W. King

Fig. 2 Fan Zhao and Dr. Ze Zhang

Fig. 3 BMT research group of North Carolina State University and Dr. Ze Zhang