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1.   Wang Lu. DonghuaUniversity on Wool research, Oral report, IWTO Shanghai Forum, Nov. 19-22, 2004, Shanghai.  Held by International Wool Textile Organization. Oral report represented in the IWTO web.   

2.   杜艳琴,贾舜华,王璐,周启澄. 植物染料染色及其色牢度研究,第24届全国毛纺年会,2004年6月,黄山,论文集 p296-298.   

3.   Cheng Wenhong, Wang Lu, Zhou Qicheng. Special Effects of Enzyme Pretreatment on Wool Fabrics Dyed with Lotus Leaf. Proceedings of The Textile Institute 83rd World Conference, Vol.2, May 23-27, 2004, Shanghai, China, p607-609, ISBN 1870372611.   

4.   Jia Lixia, Wang Lu, Ling Kai. Study on Water Permeability and Pore Character of Textile Vascular Prostheses. Proceedings of The Textile Institute 83rd World Conference, Vol.3, May 23-27, 2004, Shanghai, China, p981-985, ISBN 1870372611.