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1.   李娟,王璐. 植物染料荆芥对羊毛织物的染色性能的研究第25届全国毛纺年会,2005年10月,杭州,论文集 p 30-34.   

2.   李世朋,王璐. 天然槐米染料的精制及其对羊毛织物染色效果的影响第25届全国毛纺年会,2005年10月,杭州,论文集 p 26-29.   

3.   Gang Sun, Susan Kaiser, Margaret Rucker, Michael Overcash, Mark Nicas, and Lu Wang, Health Protective Textiles: Bridging the Disposable/Reusable Divide (CTS 0424716), Poster, National Science Foundation, Understanding and Harnessing Complexity in the Environment 2005 Biocomplexity in the Environment Awardees Meeting, 21-23 March, 2005, Washington DC, USA.   

4.   参加National Textile Center Forum, 20-22 March, 2005, Raleigh, USA.