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1.   王璐. 毛纺产品创新制造的几点思考与实践. 大会特邀报告,第29届全国毛纺年会,2009年10月20-22日,上海浦东.   

2.   Huo Zhicheng,WANG Lu, WEI Shou-dong, LI Yuling, Martin W KING. Comparing fatigue properties of graft with stent-graft. Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Fibers and Polymer Materials (ICAFPM2009), Oct. 21-24, 2009, Donghua University, Shanghai, poster,Proceedings of 2009 International Conference on Advanced Fibers andPolymer Materials, 743-745.   

3.   DU Lingyang,WANGLu, ZHANG Wei, WANG Fujun.Research on Compliance of Vascular Prostheses under the Simulated Human Artery Blood Pressure Waveform, Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Fibers and Polymer Materials (ICAFPM2009), Oct. 21-24, 2009, Donghua University, Shanghai, poster, Proceedings of 2009 International Conference on Advanced Fibers andPolymer Materials, 758-761.   

4.   F J Wang, Z Li, K X Zheng, Z X Luo, L Wang.Pore Size Control of Stretched PTFE Tube Used for Small-diameter Vascular Graft,10th Asia Textile Conference ATC-10,Sept.7-9,2009,Shinchu University, Japan (oral presentation),Proceedings of 10th Asia Textiles Conference, 2009:27   

5.   LUO Yong, WANG Lu, WANG Zongwei, LUO Lingfei, JIA Shunhua, ZHANG Xinlong, HU Xiaofeng, ZHAO Guoying, ZHOU Qicheng.Application of Composite Dyeing of Vegetable Dyes on Wool Fabrics, 2009 Fiber Society Spring Conference, May 27-29, 2009, Shanghai, China.Proceedings of 2009 Fiber Society Spring Conference, 1432-1437.   

6.   Liu Wenwei,Wang Lu. Application and Management of Medical Textiles in Chinese Hospital,2009 Fiber Society Spring Conference, May 27-29, 2009, Shanghai, China.Proceedings of 2009 Fiber Society Spring Conference, 1358-1362.   

7.   ZHAO Hui-jing, ZHUO Jing-yuan, WEI Shou-dong1, ZHAO Ying,WANG Lu, LI Yu-ling, LIU Xiao-yan, KING Martin, Fatigue Behaviors of Twill Weave Fabric Tube of Endovascular Prostheses, 2009 Fiber Society Spring Conference, May 27-29, 2009, Shanghai, China.Proceedings of 2009 Fiber Society Spring Conference, 601-605.   

8.   Huijing Zhao, Lu Wang, Yuling Li, Xiaoyan Liu, and Martin W. King. A New Device to Study Fatigue Performance and Mathematical Model to analyze relationship between Textile Parameters and Fatigue of Textile Scaffold for Stent-Graft, The 3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering(iCBBE 2009), June, 2009, Beijing, Proceedings of The 3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, 1-6.